
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year's Resolutions: Let's Be Real

What can I say about New Year's resolutions? 
Other than they keep me grounded. 

My resolutions have taught me much over the course of time. 
Once young and dumb, I had high hopes and expectations. 
Now that I'm older and not nearly as smart as I should be, I tend to resolute on the side of caution. 
Or, reality. 

Resolutions, my yearly-life-check-off-lists, have certainly evolved through out the years. Lucky for me, I write everything down; you know, so I can hold myself accountable. 

Today, we take a look back on my resolutions over the years.....

Age 7: My first New Year's Resolution. This year, I will buy a beautiful horse with the money I collect at the recycling center for turning in pop cans. 
Reality: I likely received $2.64 after my siblings and I divided the winnings. No horse. 

Age 8: I will read 45 books and write 30 short stories. 
Reality: We didn't even own 45 books and we lived too far from town to justify a library membership. And much to my father's dismay, I wasn't about to read the encyclopedia set. As for the writing - I didn't even understand the difference between there/their/they're, let alone know how to make a cursive "S". Didn't happen. 

Age 9: This year I will get discovered after the variety show and be asked to sing back-up singer for Reba McEntire.
Reality: Though I did have the guts to sing, "Is There Life Out There" in front of the entire school, my performance did not result in a phone call from Reba. 

I still cry like a baby when I see her in that cap and gown...

Age 10: I will win grand champion steer at the Wayne County Fair.
Reality: It was my first year of 4-H and I showed a Holstein steer. Have you ever seen a Holstein steer that weighed 1549 lbs. win a steer show? Me either. 

Don't let the trophy fool you - I won Rate-of-Gain....

Age 11: This year I really will get discovered after the variety show and will be asked to sing back-up singer for Trisha Yearwood. Or Garth Brooks. Which ever pays more. And buys me a horse.
Reality: While I do appreciate my young positive spirit, persistence and self-confidence, I still don't have that damn horse. 

Age 12: This year I will get good enough at volleyball that I get noticed by the high school coaches and they ask me to play on the Varsity team. 
Reality: I am not athletic. I'm funny....but only every fifth day. And this happened to be the same year that I was asked by my coach to choose between showing cattle or playing volleyball, due to missing multiple practices. Sorry, knee pads; those Shorthorns came first. And for that I'm thankful. I've made awesome friends from coast to coast in the beef industry. My volleyball team? We're merely "friends" on Facebook.

And now, more than a decade down this road of life and I'm still making resolutions. 

But I've become my true self, figured out who I am and what I need. 
I've grown up. 
My expectations for myself have changed. 
Through much career development, I recognize the importance of setting high, yet quantified goals. 

So, I present to you my 12 2012 New Year's Resolutions.......

1. I will begin my Christmas shopping no later than December 19th. 
2. If the temperature has dropped below 25 degrees, I will remember to let Dixie back in the house in less than 37 minutes. 

3. I will set the garbage out on time 42 of 52 weeks. 
4. I will learn how to quilt by the year 2020.
5. I will delete anyone on Facebook who "pokes" me.
6. I will be on time, every time, 85 % of the time. 
7. I will lose those last 5 lbs. to reach my ideal weight.
8. I will remember to put clothes in the dryer within 3 days of putting them in the washer.
9. I will begin following 5 new blogs.
10. I will not purchase any new cowboy boots. Unless I get a discount. At all. 
11. I will charm all male cowboy boot salesmen in order to get a discount. 
12. I will live my life

Whew!! I get tired just reading it!

I hope each and every one of you have a fantastic 2012 and that you're also true to yourself by keeping your resolutions. 

I sure I hope I can keep mine; I'd hate to resort to the resolution I've had the greatest luck with:

Age 20: Don't make a resolution for 5 years. 
Reality: It's the only one I was ever able to keep.


  1. Oh Lindsay! I KNOW you're my daughter somehow. This made me laugh so hard! I love you girl, and it is NEVER too late for that horse.

  2. The 5 pounds is genetic...We all make that one!
