
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Alaska II: Salty Dawgs and Steeples

This week I wanted to share more photos with you from our Alaskan adventure. 
Enjoy today's not-so-Wordless Wednesday...

The Salty Dawg Saloon - one of the most unique bars I've ever been to - see more of it's awesome interior here

We left our mark 3,280 miles from Greens Fork, Indiana. 

A historic Russian church, placed beautifully on a hill over-looking the coast and five volcanos. 

We had to explore...

If you walk all the way to the end of this path, you fall off a cliff. 

Probably not the best-placed political sign. 

Later this week I'll post the best photos of all - 
glaciers, whales and wildlife - stay tuned!