
Wednesday, September 12, 2012


At a previous adventure, a professional mentor wrote the following to me in a fair-well email:
You possess the control over your life and success. Don't depend on anyone else to help you get there. If, along the road a mentor or some other helpful individual crosses your path, then consider yourself more fortunate than most, and try to pass the benefit on to someone else when you are able.

Well, I'm more fortunate than most. 

I met Christine in Denver. 
Cattle were involved.  
My brother introduced us knowing we'd hit it off. He was right. 

Christine and I learned quickly that our passions for family, Shorthorn cattle and a creative view at life through a camera lens had us completely aligned to be long lost sisters. 

Sisters that look nothing alike. 


Also, we both enjoy wearing black. 
It is slimming. 

More than once Christine has asked me to fly to Canada and help her with photography assignments. More than once she has taught me a million times over anything I've learned by reading photography books. 

Additionally, she has taught me much about life. 
And taking time for it. 
And staying true to self. 
And reflecting on past experiences to bring value to the present. 
And a whole lot about fulfilling personal goals - no matter where you are in your life. 

In July I went to visit Christine and my Alta Cedar family. She introduced me to her new adventure, Country Sampler

One step inside the store and I knew I was in heaven. 
Two steps inside the store and I had wished I had more room in my suitcase. 

I invite you to come in, look around and take in everything that the quaint store has to offer. 

I just know you'll love it!

You can find the Country Sampler on Facebook, too. Click here!

This was perhaps my favorite things in the store. 
And it now hangs in my Indiana home.


  1. LOVE this blog!! I especially love this Country Sampler store. I'm thinking the next time you make a trip up there, you need to take me with you!..Girls Trip, perhaps!? :) haha. I enjoy reading all of your blogs! Keep up the amazing work!

    -Annie B :)

  2. Lindsay,
    I have recently joined your blog and I love it! Your outlook to life is amazing and I love to read about your adventures! Thank you for being an inspiration!
    Your new reader,
    Shelby Doughty
