
Friday, September 9, 2011

The Next Chapter

With it's twists and turns, beaten paths and unbroken ground, I say with confidence that this life is a good one.

Yesterday I left the company I'd served for over three years. While it's a bittersweet move on to the next adventure, it's mostly a sweet one. I'm on to another career where I will write regularly, spend more time in the countryside talking to agriculturalists and learn another side of production agriculture.

I've learned so much in the last three years. I can say I've never known a more dedicated crew than the one I just left. They're the definition of passion.

I had lunch this week with a co-worker named Doug. It's a visit that should have taken place some time ago, still I waited until the last possible opportunity to schedule it. Convinced I could have visited with him for three hours rather than one, I can say that lunch was one that changed my life.  What a kind soul. 

After the meal, while I was still soaking in the rural life wisdom, the family stories (he's a husband and father to four) and the professional advice, I received an email from Doug that I'll hang on to for some time to come....

Subject: If you could take two quick reads with you, as you move to Wilt, I would ask you to consider these. I come back to them from time to time...

Five Rules

  • Nobody owes you anything. If you want it, earn it yourself.
  • You possess the control over your life and success. Don't depend on anyone else to help you get there. If, along the road a mentor or some other helpful individual crosses your path, then consider yourself more fortunate than most, and try to pass the benefit on to someone else when you are able.
  • Always concentrate on 'you' not 'them.' Obsessing about others won't get you where you want to go.
  • Avoid 'analysis paralysis.' Many people fall into the trap of analysis paralysis, over-thinking situations instead of taking action.
  • Enjoy the ride: you have only one life to live.
Millions of people are unhappy not because of any real condition in their lives that warrants their sadness, but just that they can't allow
themselves to enjoy the ride (O'Leary, 2006, p.171-178).

And a quote that comes from the organization that the author David Cottrell leads, 

"Your legacy is not what you leave, 
it's how you have lived."


And with that, I say farewell to an old endeavor and run with open arms to a new adventure. 

Speaking of adventure....

By the time you sit down to read this, I'll be toting my Nikon, Sony HandyCam and favorite cowboy boots onto a plane headed for the West. Much like I did in February, I'm traveling to the great unknown to spend some time under the big sky country, capturing the American West through my lens and running the tires off a rental car.

Only this time, I'm taking a copilot. One who overpacks worse than me. 

We've taken a trip West together before, to the rugged, wide open spaces of Texas during another transition time in our lives. It's been almost two years since we discovered roots and wings.

So stay tuned. These days ahead with out a map will surely provide much exploration, interesting encounters and fantastic views. 

Cheers to the next chapter!
And thanks for the life advice, Doug. 


  1. We are always so proud of you. I hope you know that.

  2. Have a blast in the Wild, Wonderful, WEST! :) xo

  3. My wish for you on your trip and new journeys ahead is to feel free and to be able to take a deep breath! My wish for KT is to keep you caffinated so you don't miss anything on the road. My wish for both of you is to value every moment spent with one another!
