
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

For Sale By Owner

I remember sleeping in this house for the first time on the night I got the keys. 
It smelled like Murphy's Oil Soap and the place was eerily quiet
I had never lived near train tracks before. 
I was so concerned that the night train moving through the tired streets of Greens Fork would startle me awake and I'd have to use my mace gun on something that wasn't there. 
I was wrong. 
In five years of living here, I've never once been awoken by the train. 

I've always had a list of things I want to do on my own: the travel, the moving away, the city, all things I've always felt important to do before I, one day, "settled down". Buying a home was on that list, too. I just knew that when that time came, I was only going to be content if I'd done much on my own. I wanted to ensure that before 2 become 1, I'm actually a 1, not a 1/2  in how I've lived this life.  

I'm quite proud of this place I've called home sweet home for nearly five years - the best five years. 

It needed such little work in that time. 
Just before I bought it, the previous owners put in all new windows, siding, doors and a new roof. 
I did install a new water heater two years ago. 
The place is in great shape. 
I painted the three bedrooms as soon as I moved in. 

The walls have changed but the foundation hasn't. It is strong and old and well-maintained. I've always viewed this place as an old soul with a new shell. 

Time changes things, and great changes are just around the bend. 

I've put my house up for sale, I'm looking for a buyer. Preferably one that is still inclined to use Murphy's Oil Soap on the hard wood floors and who has a lawnmower who can keep the yard maintained - not that I've done a great job at that. I would also prefer that the buyers do a better job than I did at keeping up on the window washing detail. But I'm not picky. 

A quick tour:

Keep my home in mind if you know of someone looking to buy in east-central Indiana.

The Christmas tree is not up year 'round.
More photos available upon request, but I do need to get organized first.
Dixie does not come with the house (you're welcome).

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