At least, I hope so.
Never before have I begun writing at 10:07 on a Tuesday night.
the kind that carves a place in our memory and one day we'll look back with fondness and smile far beyond our reach.
we'll each also experience the kind of day that erodes a place in our memory and for several years we'll look back and think: How in the hell did I survive that?
That was my yesterday.
Not the entire day, just once I left work.
In true Jean's Boots fashion, I want to share with you a few lessons learned:
That sentiment is just a reputation death wish.
I got home from work yesterday and replaced my (somewhat) professional attire with what I like to call "White Trash Johnny Cash":
black Meijer tank top (faded)
black athletic shorts (thighs touching)
black Muck (though I will never buy another pair) boots
All Black; None of which was flattering.
I really did look at my reflection in the mirror and shutter.
I left the house anyway.
LESSON 2. If your husband calls from an out-of-state business trip and asks what you're doing...Lie
With great honesty, told Cody I had just gotten home and was sitting down to watch the Indianapolis 5:00 news.
Wrong answer.
He asked if I would make a trip south to check on part of our herd that is grazing "remotely".
"Sure," I told him.
What could possibly go wrong? I thought to myself.
LESSON 2.5. Never - EVER - ask yourself what could possibly go wrong
Unless you'd like to know the answer.
NOTE: 2.75: Since I was small, cattle getting out has sent me into complete shock. Crying, puking, shaking - no matter if I'm 12 or 30 - my reaction is the same.
LESSON 3. Good Fences Make Good Fences
I traveled south to check on the "remote" group, oblivious to just how "remote" they had become.
Call #1: answer.
Call# 2: Luke...he was in Chicago.
Call #3: Dad...Saves the day, Every. Single. Time.
Call # 4: Cody...I let him know it would not be in his best interest to come home. For a month.
LESSON 4. Main Thing Is: Don't Panic.
My Dad has told us this for years. Anytime we got emotional and worked-up (98% of the time this lesson was geared towards me), Dad would recite that familiar verbiage:
Main Thing Is: Don't Panic.
Panic, emotion, irrational decisions; none of these things could help the matter at hand, Dad always taught us.
Yeah, well, that's easy for Dadio to recite when it isn't his cattle grazing the perimeter of a cornfield.
LESSON 5. Bad Fences Reveal Good Friends
We have a great family friend, Prent, who - for some unknown reason - continues to show up to Bowman Superior Genetics to help us operate. He gets treated like a shoddy hired hand, but supports us like a loyal friend. When I called Dad with a shaking, broken voice asking for help, Print showed up - ready to help - too.
Granted, Prent showed up in suede boat shoes and a Hawaiian shirt paired with khaki shorts -
but he showed up, nonetheless.
LESSON 6. Text Messaging Translates Emotion Worse Than A 15-year-old Boy
Big miss on my part.
Aggressive thumbs can be far more abrasive than any verbal conversation.
If you really want your husband to know you're upset, send these texts (over thirty minutes):
Cows out.
Dad on his way to help!
Call you when we're done...MAYBE.
How many head are supposed to be down here????
If you want to feel like a terrible wife, read the above texts hours later, after you're done chasing cows and finished gagging from considering lost livestock.
I learned last night: No matter where, when or why: My Dad is going to show up. He put his chores before mine (our's) and walked twice as much fence (looking for the escape route) as I did.
He missed spending the evening his newest grand baby because his "youngest baby" needed help.
Finally, last night, I realized that I'll never - ever - outgrow my Dad.
My need for he and his support is everlasting.
LESSON 8. If You Want To Hear God Laugh, Tell Him Your Plans
I was at barn at 5:57 yesterday morning thinking how awesome my Tuesday night was going to be because I took care of so many responsibilities early in the day.
Show up early;
Leave early.
Agriculture doesn't work that way.
Neither does life.
Some of life's best days are those that teach the greatest lessons.
And Remember: