A particular scripture our minister hit on was Luke 2:16-19:
16 So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger.
17 When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child,
18 and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them.
19 But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.
Luke 2:19:
But Mary treasured up
all these things and
pondered them in her heart.
Oh, Mary.
What an intimate moment for a new mother to reflect.
What an intimate moment for a new mother to reflect.
Do you know what I was pondering right after I gave birth? Where Cody found the time to get a smoothie before they had cut the cord.
In an effort to be more like Mary, on the way home from Christmas services I made a quick list of things I'm currently pondering in my heart. I jotted them down in my church bulletin:
- Where all the dead flies are coming from?
- What is the true refrigerator shelf life of chili? Also: If I pick out the beans, can chili be used in chef's surprise lasagna?
- How do we have self-driving cars but don’t have Christmas lights that last more than one season or temperatures below 35º?
- When will Caroline figure out that she has yes and no mixed up? "Do you love Mommy?" "No!" as she hugs my neck. "Do you like getting your fingers pinched in doors?" "YESH!"
- Why won’t the livestock waterers freeze when Cody is home, but will become solid ice before he’s 50 miles down the road on a 12-day trip?
- A big change coming January 1.
- If trash pick-up is usually Monday but Monday is Christmas...when is trash pick-up? Also: If trash pick-up is usually Monday but next Monday is New Year’s Day...when is trash pick-up? This is like a bad riddle that I cannot solve.
- Is it appropriate to re-send a Christmas card that was returned due to a shoddy address, though Christmas has since passed? Also, when did our friends move? More importantly, where did they go?
- Why haven't we had a mouse problem this year? If I question it, will they come?
- When did I get to the age that my favorite Christmas gifts were wool socks and a cast iron skillet?
Two days later, while trying to recompose our house from the holiday, I found my notes from church.
I guess in terms of my likeness to Mary I have a way to go.
But that doesn’t surprise either of us,